Sunday 4 December 2011

Restricted by limits.

Copyright Jackson Tigwell ©
   I want to be free to do what I want. This can be said for most people my age during the mid 'naughties'. I feel like a Porsche driving down a winding country lane, only restricted to 40mph! I feel like I have so much potential, and I want to get out there and show everybody what I've got and how I do things my way.
   I didn't bother with UCAS this year; I'm going the private way about things, and auditioning separately to each Drama Uni - 5 in total! But recently I've been thinking. I know for a fact, and I have come to accept it, that the only way I'm getting in and out of higher education is with a massive bounty on my head; I think it's known as a 'debt' in the 21st century. But do I really want to go at the ripe old age of eighteen, with this thought in my mind. Or do I go away? Do things I have always wanted to do in the world? See places and sights and interact with all different cultures over this small world. It'd been a damn sight cheaper, that's for sure! And much more interesting at this point in life; even if I only went away for six or so months. 

   I can see it now; coming back to drizzly Great Britain, after a year spent meditating and studying Asian culture in the mountains of China (something I've always, ALWAYS wanted to do). I want to come back after the break away and be that Porsche, but not restricted to 40mph. I want to feel the wind in my hair - doing 80. Being wild and fancy free. I want to feel alive.

Rant over.

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