Week by week, another good contestant is voted out, and the shit ones stay in... do we expect anything more from the X-Factor? A prime example is Jedward making it nearly to the end! And Wagner... do I need to go any further?! But Johnny, who was voted out last night by the Judges themselves, deserved to stay in longer, over Kitty, who is the biggest cry-baby I've ever seen on live tele. Louis even shed a tear when Johnny gave his last speech to the public... if you miss him that much already Mr. Walsh, then maybe you should of sent Kitty home YOU WANKER!
Johnny Robinson, who had a perfect ballad voice, struggled on most of the more upbeat numbers, but ultimately came out on top! You go J! Yet still he was sent home - and Kitty, who's voice is pretty similar to every other leading female artist, and who clearly cannot see a thing when she sings... was kept in.

To be fair, Johnny would of struggled getting a record deal, because of the 'ballad-style' voice he has - he isn't very versatile, but boy did he attempt to be! But he has way more talent that the cat with 9-lives (she appears to have 9 lives because she keeps coming back) and he is a much nicer person.
His immortal words will live on with me - 'I wanna thank everyone out there in the UK who accepted me for just being me.' Could you get a nicer guy than Johnny?
Well ones things for certain, Louis has lost the X-factor this year, because I hope Kitty falls out a window and lands on her back.
Rant over.
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