Tuesday 22 November 2011

I'm off trollin'!

There have been so many 'found footage' films released in the past few years. It all started with Paranormal Activity*1*, and how believable it all seemed - though a year later, with the entrance of a sequel, it was deemed fake. But people still find it scarily brilliant to watch. With the third instalment recently hitting cinemas, and finding mixed reviews, I think the activities of paranormal beings are finished. But that leaves the way for many more of these 'found footage' gems!

Last night, I watched Troll Hunter. And I was impressed.

via. bestmoviesever.com

This film has everything - Three university students. A high tech camera. A hardened troll hunter and lots of big-assed trolls that "piss everywhere!" It's set in Norway, where the legends of the trolls originate, and the script is entirely in norwegian (with english subtitles to help us understand it.) I myself grew up reading these tales, and have a big love for the gruesome, smelly, 100ft mammals! I found myself utterly gripped at all points, wanting to know what was going to happen next and how they were going to get out of all the mess they were in.

I'm going to finish here because I don't want to spoil it for those who haven't seen it, but believe me, it's well worth the watch!

Rant over.

*1* Some people could argue that the film that started the sensation was Cloverfield, but we all know that is fake from the start... One because the Statue of Liberty still has her head, and two New York hasn't been devastated with a massive nuclear bomb. 

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