Monday 21 November 2011

Time goes by...

Its strange how time will just float on by. I woke up this morning, and seriously reminisced about my childhood. It's strange isn't it - how we do these things from time to time? Our childhoods are possibly the greatest days of our lives, because we're not tied down to any commitments: coursework, work, money issues. My childhood was such a big collection of the proverbial 'banter'.

And I do feel sad about not seeing the friends that I got so close to in those days. But everybody moves on, makes new ones and has the time of their lives. During my time at primary school I moved house 4 times, and moved between 4 different schools - so I was accustomed to making new friends, but sadly, at that age, without a mobile phone, I could not keep in personal contact with all these new chums I had made. I remember playing playstation with my mates, running around a wood with sticks for swords and guns, and of course, the push-bike races! At school - we'd trade Pokemon cards, or Yu-Gi-Oh cards (when both sets were at their peak) and never play the actually trading card game!

Those days were the best.

Primary school is where my love for acting really came through too - playing a scurvy Pirate Captain/Teacher began it all. Wearing a makeshift eyepatch, socks pulled up to my knees, and rocking out the Adidas trainers on my feet - I didn't care. I was in front of a crowd of people, doing something that I finally enjoyed. No change there then.


I have got back into contact with most of my old buddies, and it's great to hear about their lives and how they're getting on. I makes me feel great to be honest. 

But sometimes, when I'm on my own, I wish I could turn back the clocks, and relive the greatest moments of my childhood. Because the thought of it brings a tear to my eye, literally. 

Rant over.

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